The second half of the twentieth century has seen dramatic changes in the training of architects: the appearance of myriad new concepts and conceptions, and a sudden expansion of architectural curricula in schools of architecture. Architects and students of architecture are now expected to write, meticulously explain and justify what they do and are doing, publish academic texts about their activities, analyze the work of other architects, produce complicated and extensive doctoral theses. All this has created in architecture an overt need for theory or philosophy, which can be termed the turn to theory or philosophy in architecture.
The task of the philosopher is threefold: to awaken the philosopher in the architect (or perhaps recognize the architect-philosopher), who will then be better capable to thematize their own or joint work with other architects; with other architects, to produce, construct, and deconstruct a system (a register, order, protocol) of concepts that will in the future be authentically architectonic, such as opening the possibility of an eminently architectural language or terminology; finally, to discipline or institutionalize architecture (“to be an architect is a social act”), to assist in the essential project of autonomy of the architect and architecture.
The task of the architect is to always guard the distance, that is, the conjunction AND (&; \cdot; ˄) between architecture and philosophy as the interval of the third or third space that gives birth to novelty. Further, their task is to examine the geometry of connections and relations, which means to bind the two fields, to reprogram the AND, to be the coordinator between the two – to preserve the uncertainty of the coordinating conjunction.
- By choosing the verb khōrein (go forward, advance, move, be in motion, grow), and not the noun, khōra, we wished to emphasize the importance of the act and activity in the construction of social reality, naturally including the architectural reality around us.
- Conject is a bond or mix of the first two architectural protocols and the first two key words of both architecture and philosophy: concept and project. The third holds the two together, architecture and philosophy, by throwing them forward together (conjicere).
- As positio AND is a conjecture of position, a phase in the advancement towards non-position, the letting down (dejection) of position, which always vanishes in the new.
- Architecture AND Philosophy is a gesture to do away with and replace the constructions and grimaces such as Philosophy of Architecture, Architectural Philosophy, Architecture + Philosophy, Architecture/Philosophy, Philosophy for Architects, Philosophy and Architecture or Architecture and Philosophy.
- AND is infinite. That which inclines never falls and is never erased in drawing closer and equating architecture ˄ philosophy, text ˄ object.