Call for Papers: Volume 1 Issue 1: Architecture “and” Philosophy


Authors are invited to submit articles for the inaugural issue of Khōrein: Journal for Architecture and Philosophy. The topic for this first issue is Architecture “and” Philosophy. Given that this is the inaugural issue of Khōrein, and bearing in mind the subtitle, the exploration of the proposed topic will also be the journal’s self-thematization, an experimental reflection on its own scope and potential future avenues of research. The evocative title Khōrein maintains a direct connection with one of the most compelling concepts within the theory of space – khōra – given here in the form of a verb, with the aim of pointing out the ontological priority of the act for the construction of architectural and social reality in general.

Perhaps unusually, we consider the conjunction “and” to be the most important word in the subtitle of the journal, which is why we emphasized it in the call title. This word is also the most problematic in the given relation, since it contains all the complexity of the interaction between philosophy and architecture. In considering the status of that conjunction in the aforementioned phrase, it is reasonable to ask whether it persistently maintains the cleft between the two disciplines, and if so, what kind of cleaving is it? Better yet: can we fully grasp the essence of the meeting point or points between the two disciplines by appropriately understanding the conjunction? Contributors are invited to replace the members of said syntagma with concepts, figures, positions, and terms that would ultimately reflect and problematize through various perspectives the original members and thus the relationship between them.



Deadline: December 31, 2022